Undergraduate Degrees in Ireland | Courses & Universities

Undergraduate Study in Ireland


Undergraduate Degrees in Ireland

Study an undergraduate degree at an Ireland university

Undergraduate applications from international students to all Irish universities are managed by the CAO (Central Applications Office), while other non-EEA students may also apply directly to Higher Education Institutes, depending on their policies and norms. As an approved education agent for Irish universities, SI-Ireland’s professional university consultants can guide you through the entire university application process.

How long do undergraduate degrees last in Ireland?

For a first degree, most international and EU students undertake a three-year undergraduate bachelor's degree, featuring a combination of seminars, workshops and lectures made up of different modules. Certain modules are optional, and as such students can tailor their study to what they are most interested in.

Some undergraduate degrees, such as science and engineering, can take up to four years to complete, while the introduction of fast-track 2-year degrees enables students to complete their undergraduate courses and find a job much quicker.

Types of undergraduate degrees

In addition to the standard 3-year undergraduate degree, a joint or dual-honours undergraduate degree will see students split their time across two different courses, meaning a larger choice of modules and increased job options after you graduate. A sandwich course will last four years and involve spending one year at a work placement related to your field of study.

Where can I study for an undergraduate degree in Ireland?

Undergraduate courses at Irish universities provide world-class teaching, state-of-the-art facilities and global recognition from employers.

Study an undergraduate degree in Ireland

If you wish to learn more about studying for an undergraduate degree in Ireland, arrange your free consultation with SI-Ireland today.

Increase your chances of success when applying

SI-Ireland specialises in selecting the right Irish university for international students by reviewing your academic background, discussing your career goals and helping you apply. Our application services can help you achieve your dream of studying in Ireland.

Study in Ireland

"My consultant was very helpful and motivating. She helped me every step of the way, even when the deadline was so close. I could not have done it without her. I'd recommend this service to anyone interested in taking the stress out of applying alone."

Brishti Basu Accounting and Finance, Trinity College Dublin

Brishti Basu

Leading Universities and SI-Ireland Partners