Study the Best Postgraduate Courses in Ireland at Maynooth

Study the Best Postgraduate Courses in Ireland at Maynooth University

Last updated: 23 November 2022 Irish University Courses Masters Courses in Ireland Top Ireland Universities

Winner of the Best New Postgraduate Course of the Year Award

At the Gradireland Higher Education Awards 2019, Maynooth University won the Best New Postgraduate Course of the Year award for its MSc Design Innovation (Food). Several other masters degree programmes at Maynooth University were also shortlisted for the Best Postgraduate Course Award in different categories including Science, Arts and Humanities and Business, Finance and Management. Maynooth’s performance at this year’s Gradireland HEA Awards is suggestive of the high industry recognition for its innovative and interdisciplinary masters degree programmes.

Maynooth is a multi-award winning young Irish university recognised for teaching excellence and high quality research output. It is Ireland’s fastest growing university and was also ranked number one on the International Students Barometer 2017. One of the reasons for its universal acclaim and popularity is the flexibility offered to students in choosing interesting subject combinations across disciplines like science and arts.

Ireland has an excellent reputation for advanced up-to-date postgraduate education which is also widely recognised across all industry sectors. Postgraduate course curriculums at Irish universities are often developed in collaboration with industry experts to enable students acquire specialised skills for improving their suitability for the global job market. Ireland is also one of the world’s leading study destination for postgraduate and research programmes in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

If you are interested in studying in Ireland and learning more about Irish university courses and admission requirements, book a free consultation with SI-Ireland today.

Study Best Postgraduate Courses at Maynooth

Best Postgraduate Courses at Maynooth University Ireland

Five Postgraduate Courses at Maynooth University were shortlisted for the Gradireland Higher Education Awards 2018, including the winner of the Best New Postgraduate Course in Ireland. Listed below are the best masters courses at Maynooth in 2018.

New Postgraduate Courses at Maynooth for 2019

Maynooth University offers over 70 full-time and part time taught Masters and Diploma programmes. Considering the latest scientific and academic developments in various fields of study, the University has introduced new postgraduate courses for the next academic year which include:

Study in Ireland

Book a free consultation with SI-Ireland to learn more about studying in Ireland and finding the right course and university according to your career goals and achievements.


Universities featured in this article:

  • Maynooth University
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Brishti Basu
