Study a Conversion Course in Ireland

Prepare for a New Career by Studying a Postgraduate Conversion Course

Last updated: 23 November 2022 Conversion Course in Ireland Masters Courses in Ireland Study in Ireland

Are you planning a change of career, but do not have the right professional qualifications? Or do you wish to add value to your CV by getting specialised knowledge in subjects that you did not study before? A postgraduate conversion course might be the ideal choice for a change in career direction or the enhancement of job prospects.

Benefits of studying a Postgraduate Conversion Course

Conversion courses are intense, specialised fast track courses which are designed to help you study subjects which you have no prior knowledge of. Postgraduate conversion courses are popular with students interested in acquiring interdisciplinary qualifications.

Conversion courses are beneficial for students whose undergraduate qualifications are different from those required in jobs they aspire for. For instance, if humanities graduates wish to train in professional fields such as law or business, a conversion postgraduate degree can be useful. Conversion courses will help grow skill sets, secure employment in different fields and boost confidence for exploring vocational fields.

Learn more about postgraduate conversion courses offered by Irish universities below. Book a free consultation with SI-Ireland to get expert help and guidance for selecting the right university and course to get on your desired career path.

Study Conversion Courses in Ireland

Postgraduate Conversion Courses at Universities in Ireland

1. Conversion Courses at Maynooth University

Conversion Courses in Business with masters degree in:

Conversion Options in Law and Mediation Careers:

Conversion Courses in Accounting, Finance and Economics

2. Conversion Courses at National University of Ireland, Galway

Interdisciplinary conversion courses are available in business, law, arts, social sciences, engineering and informatics, science, medicine, nursing and health sciences. Courses include:

3.  Conversion Courses at University College Cork

UCC offers postgraduate conversion courses in:

Study in Ireland

If you are interested in studying a conversion course in Ireland, book a free consultation with SI-Ireland and learn more about universities, courses, application, visa and tuition fees.


Universities featured in this article:

  • Maynooth University
  • University of Galway
  • University College Cork
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